Friday, August 31, 2012

It's Friday!!

Page 3
The remembrance brought renewed chills to Stacy's skin. Her chills suddenly turned to heat waves when it dawned on her that she was in her pajamas. Her feet were bare and they began to throb almost on cue when she realized the fact.
           "My goodness child, we need to hurry then!" The old man replied as he stepped even harder on the gas pedal. "My name's Paul, by the way."
           "I'm Stacy and this is Tiffany." She answered as she nudged the bundle in her arms upward a bit.
           "That's a pretty name."
           "Yes it is. My husband picked it out." She said in a soft, gravely tone. The bitter sadness would've been obvious to anyone listening.
           "Where is your husband? Shouldn't he be the one taking you to the hospital?" Paul asked.
           "My husband was killed in Iraq almost two years ago. I was still pregnant when it happened." She chose her words carefully and talked loud so that he could catch what she was saying. She wouldn't tell him what her husband had done...
          "I'm sorry, that must've been hard on you, being pregnant and all." The old man apologized.
          "It's fine, you couldn't have known." They had just passed a blue and white hospital sign on the right side of the road and the sight caused Stacy to breathe a huge sigh of relief. "We're almost there!"
         "Yes we are. I hope your baby is okay." He retorted as he turned into the entrance of the hospital. His shock of white hair was overly long and he looked like he hadn't slept in ages.
         "If I may ask, why are you out so late?"

Thursday, August 30, 2012

It's Thursday again...

I'm going to post the second page of my first chapter today. I appreciate the feedback I'm getting but would love to hear some more. :)

Page 2
"What's wrong, Miss?" The old man asked in avid curiosity as he looked toward the baby lying in her arms. His speech was slow and it was obvious he was in no hurry.
           "Could you just take me to the hospital, please?" Stacy begged in a pleading voice.
           "Of course!" The old fellow answered as his gaze turned toward the road. He stepped on the gas pedal so hard that the car leapt forward, bawling tires as it flew down the street, leaving a streak of black rubber in its wake.
          The emergency flashers came on at a flick of the old man's fingers. "I'm so sorry about this." She began, but stopped when she heard a blessed noise coming from the child in her arms. "I can hear her breaths now!" She gasped in relief, not realizing in her shock that the man had no idea what she was talking about.
          "I was a veterinarian before I retired fifteen years ago." The man said inanely.
          "That's nice." Stacy said quietly as she busily rubbed her precious daughter's cheeks to bring color back into them. She had begun to whimper quietly and Stacy said a prayer of thanks to God under her breath.
          "You have to speak up, I can't hear you." The man said. He didn't seem the least bit surprised that some crazy woman had run out in front of his car and flagged him down, demanding to go to the hospital.
          "I'm sorry I ran out in front of you like that but my baby stopped breathing." She spoke the words overly loud so he could hear her.
          "That's okay. It was a little unexpected, but quite alright. What's wrong with your child?" He asked curiously.
         "I don't know. This has never happened before. I heard her scream out once, and then nothing. I ran to her room and she was limp and turning blue!"

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Not as bad as it could've been...

The hurricane hit and although there is flooding it isn't nearly as bad as it could've been. Let's all keep praying that it continues that way. :)

    I am going to re-post the first page from my book, please give me some feedback.


The screams of her baby awakened Stacy from a dead sleep. She was in the next room before she could form the thought to do so. She reached down and snatched up the now silent child and hugged her to her chest. She was quiet now, much too quiet.
The feeling of fear that spread through Stacy's body was one that only a mother could experience. She was desperately trying to shake the heaviness of sleep from her brain even as dread filled her. By the time she looked into her beloved child's face she was already turning blue! She wasn't breathing!
Panic set in and caused Stacy's heart to beat upon her ribcage like a thousand wild horses galloping across the ground. Feet that felt wooden and glued to the floor were already running out the door and down the steps of her house. "Somebody please help me!" She screamed in such torment that anyone listening would've felt chills run down their spine. "My baby isn't breathing, help me!" She repeated in agony as those same wooden feet ran down the middle of the street in front of her little cottage home. Her long brown hair flew out behind her in a sleep-tangled mess as the air around her moved through it. Her hazel eyes flashed with so many emotions; fear, dread, determination. She glanced down at the little bundle in her arms with love and worry.
Finally, headlights shone on the crop of curly blond hair atop the little baby head as a silver Mustang screeched to a dead stop right in front of the panicking mother. She ran around to the passenger side of the car and hopped in the front seat. She turned her head toward the driver, a bewildered old man wearing hearing aids and ordered, "Take me to the hospital now! Step on it!"

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tropical Storm or Hurricane?

Today is all about watching the weather and praying for those in the path of Isaac. Will New Orleans be devastated again? Let's all pray that, that doesn't happen.

    "Watch it Maria! I told you to stay off my back!" Antonio demanded as he side-stepped and continued forward.
    "Why do you always have to be so rude?" The dark-haired woman asked.
    "Why do you always have to be so 'you?' " He returned quickly.
    "You're a beast!" She harrumphed and split away from the rest of the group.
    "Maria, get back here!" Antonio ordered. There was a note of worry in his voice that wasn't lost on the rest of the people circling around him.
    "Why don't you tell her how you feel?" An older lady with gray-streaked hair asked curiously.
    "If I tell her how I feel then she will have a power over me that I won't be able to control." He answered simply as he threw the stick he'd been carrying to the ground in anger and frustration.
    "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." A tall, thin man retorted with a derisive snort.
    "Just look at how you jump to Consuela's tune." Antonio sneered.
    "I don't 'jump' to anyone's tune, son. I respond to the love others show me. Why can't you see that?" Pablo asked plaintively.
    "If that's love, I don't want any part of it, Papa." Antonio spat-out as he quickened his pace. Maria was headed down a dangerous path and he had to get to her before...
    "Arggggggg! Help!" Came Maria's terrified scream.
    "Maria, where are you? I'm coming!" Antonio yelled as he took-off running. As he crashed through the brush he ran right into Maria's trembling back.
    The gorilla standing before them growled, roared and pounded his chest with huge, powerful paws. "Rarrrrrrr!!!!!!!"
    "Wow, I'm glad he's behind bars." Juan said with a giggle as he Crashed into the clearing behind them. "I love the zoo!"

Monday, August 27, 2012

Another day of silence...

It's going to take me awhile to get used to not teaching the kids. I homeschooled for three years. They decided they wanted to go back to school. :( The most important thing is that I taught them about God. No one can take that away from them, though they may chose to forsake Him. Oh, the woes of being a mother...

    Jackie panted as she imagined pulling herself up the steep incline. Timothy had pushed her over the edge for the last time!
    "Tim, help me!" She begged as the strength waned from her tired arms.
    "Come on, push!" He said ruthlessly.
    "Why are you doing this?" She whined back.
    "I'm not doing it, you have no choice!"
    "When will this be over?" She asked in a weak voice. She strained to see the mountains above her, imagining overcoming and standing on top with her arms spread-out.
    "It shouldn't be much longer, you just have to keep on climbing!" He urged. His voice didn't sound ruthless now, just determined.
    "I like how you can sound so sure when it isn't you striving to climb this mountain!" She screamed loudly as she grunted and pushed herself up another steep incline. Her teeth were gritted and sweat beaded about her mouth and popped-out on her forehead.
    "The reward will be so worth it, Jackie, keep focused!" He ordered.
    She squeezed his hand and gritted her teeth once more. "Erg...!" She pushed up the last steep incline. She screamed in torturous pain, pulled Tim's arm toward her and pushed again, with all her might.
    "Waaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Came a foreign cry.
    "You did it!" Tim yelled triumphantly as he returned his wife's squeeze. "Julie's here!"
    Jackie panted tiredly, glad the ordeal was over. "Let me see her." She said quietly as she raised her tired and trembling arms to accept her newborn daughter. As she took the baby she glanced up one more time at the picture on the wall. She briefly imagined herself standing on top with her arms widespread. She moved her gaze lovingly to the tiny bundle in her arms. "I did it."

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Missed a day or two...

Things have been hectic around here this past week. The kiddies made it to school and managed to come home un-maimed so all is well so far. :)

    Angelina dragged herself up on the shoreline, quickly looking from side-to-side. She didn't see anyone and she let out a huge sigh of relief. "Meeko, all's clear!" She whispered.
    "Okey-dokey, sis! Let's go people!" Meeko stood-up and yelled loudly while gesturing for those in the water behind him to follow him out.
    The crashing sound of the waves behind them was momentarily drowned-out by the sound of almost a hundred teenagers stomping out of the ocean.
    After everyone had exited the water a huge spotlight popped on, almost as if on cue, catching all those faces in its blinding beam.
    "Oh no!" A teen girl screamed worriedly.
    "Run!" Another one said.
    "Shark!!" Screamed Angelina as she urged the frightened kids up onto the well-lit beach.
    "Hold it right there!" A man standing on the back of a pick-up yelled loudly through a megaphone.
    "Form a line and let's see some ID." The man demanded.
    "You're not serious! We don't have our wallets, we just came out of the water!" Meeko answered for all of them as he stared at the man belligerently.
    "Where did you come from? That's the real question." The surly man retorted.
    Meeko grinned widely, turned, and pointed to the mansion a half mile down the beach. "We came from there! We're filming a movie!"
    The man's face lost all color and expression. "You're kidding me!"
    "Would I kid the cops?" Meeko said with an impish grin.
    The man turned toward the front of the truck and pounded on the top. "Head on out, Charlie, false alarm!"
    The truck slowly moved on down the beach, leaving the teens in darkness.
    "Are they gone?" Angelina asked.
    "They are, move people!" Meeko ordered.
    The group of teens moved quickly toward the mansion up ahead. As they reached the lit patio at the back of the house someone produced a portable CD player and everyone began to dance in sync with the beat. "Oh yeah!" Meeko screamed as the famous producer came out onto the back deck. The music was silenced at his appearance.
    "What's going on?" The heavy-set man asked in confusion.
    "This is our audition!" Angelina screamed before flipping the music back on.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A day of the unknown

    It feels weird for the kids to be gone, but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon.

     Margo stood up against the building, hoping she couldn't be seen from the doorway. The sun glinted off a nine mm and as soon as she identified it she pulled her wrist up toward her mouth. "Banco, gun to your right!"
    "Thanks Margo."
    "Just doing my job." Her reply was flat, void of emotion.
    "How long are you going to stay mad?" He asked.
    "This isn't the time to discuss it, just do your job." A tinge of contempt crept into her voice.
    Banco edged closer to the assailant, hoping to catch him by surprise.
    "Look to your left, Banc." Margo said into her wrist mic.
    He swung his head quickly to his left and saw another man walking toward the first one. This one was tall, about six foot seven or so and he wore a dark-colored hoodie with the hood hiding his face.
    "Can you identify?" He asked his partner.
    "No I have no clue who he is. I've never seen him before." She whispered into the mic.
    "Let's proceed with caution." Banco ordered.
    Both moved away from the wall and rushed toward the two men standing together in the middle of the sidewalk. "Hands in the air!" She yelled.
    "The first man pulled his piece and fired off a volley of shots, narrowly missing Margo but winging Banco in the arm.
    "I'm hit!" He cried. He needed to let his partner know she may be on her own.
    "Banco!" She yelled.
    The tall man raised his gun and pointed it at Margo and pulled back the trigger...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A busy day today...

It was the first day of school AND my son got married!! :) Just now sitting down to catch my breath. I'll be back tomorrow with another little story to entertain.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It's Tuesday and the kiddos go back to school tomorrow. I have one of those feelings that's half-excitement, half-dread. I won't know what to do with the kids gone all day. Anyway, I don't know who all is reading this but I appreciate whatever time you take. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think.

    Jenna moved with hesitancy toward the classroom before her. She could hear the joyful noise from inside and she smiled in anticipation. Her first day of college had arrived!
    Once inside the room she quickly found a seat at the back of the lime green-painted room and tossed her generic bookbag on top of the yellow school desk. She looked around in curiousity. Most of the students were much younger than her. They wore skinny jeans and tight t-shirts to her comfortable Levis and baggy top, but she wouldn't let that get to her. She was here for a reason and nothing or nobody would deter her goal!
    "Hey Mom, what're you doing here?" A smart-alecky kid with piercings in every available spot on his face asked.
    "Dude, all her kids must be in school, or hey, I know, her hubby sits at home playin' video games all day so she has to go back to school to learn a trade so she can bring home the bacon!" A young man with a tattoo of Taz said.
    "Wow, it must've taken you all day to think that one up." A pretty, young brunette replied as she lazily applied fingernail polish to her toes.
    "Leave the Mom alone, I think she's okay." A chubby girl in designer clothes came to her defense.
    Jenna picked her bag up and moved to  the front of the room. She now knew who was who. She dropped the book bag onto the desk at the front of the room and said, "Hi, My name is Jenna Andrews and I'm your professor for English Lit." She smiled broadly as a plethora of looks came over the faces of those who had interacted with her...

Monday, August 20, 2012

How is it that summer is over already? Time gets shorter the older you get. :(

     Janine hid under the desk, fear causing her heart to thump in her chest. The purposeful steps of the assailant walked by and she gasped silently in terror. Her friend Amelia lay on the floor beside the desk, her sightless eyes open and her mouth forever formed into the last scream she'd ever utter. Her lifeless, bloody body was a testament to the atrocities that were taking place in her tenth grade homeroom class as she cowered under the desk and prayed to God to spare her.
    Edgar Wills strode purposefully up and down the aisles, choosing who to shoot on a scale that no one else knew. Amelia had foolishly screamed at him and tried to stop him with out-stretched arms and he'd shot her down like a rabid dog. Now Janine trembled under the desk, desperately trying to make her five foot ten inch frame disappear from his searching gaze.
    "Why are you doing this Edgar?" A pleading female voice asked from the back of the room.
    His gaze immediately snapped to the dark space under the back table, searching for the voice that dared to question him. He raised his rifle, carefully aimed, and said, "Because I can." He pulled the trigger, Janine heard a whizzing noise rush above her desk and then a loud shriek of horror and pain.
    "You shot me!" The girl screamed her last words.
    "Yes I did." He laughed raucously as he stopped short of Janine's desk and fell to one knee. He raised his gun again, looked her right in the eye, and pulled the trigger back with cold determination.
    "Bye, bye little one." His smile made her blood run cold and she began to pray to God.
    Suddenly the solid wood door slammed open, thudding against the concrete wall in a crash of fury. Men in SWAT uniforms ran into the room, spreading out to surround him. "Put your hands in the air!" The leader yelled authoritatively.
    "You won't take me alive you lily-livered no-good pig!" Edgar screamed in fury as he turned his gun on the man.
    Janine breathed a sigh of relief as she scrambled out from under her desk, picked-up the huge biology book lying on top and came up behind the gunmen. She raised it in her trembling arms and swung at the back of his sweat-soaked head with every ounce of strength left in her. He fell to the floor, unmoving...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 6

    Jones grabbed Gracie's hand to save her as her legs flailed in the air. The small-engine plane slowed to assist in the rescue of the distraught woman.
    "Gracie, swing your legs up, girl!" Jones ordered in a frantic voice.
    "I'm trying!" Came desperately from the colorless lips of the woman hanging from the plane's door.
    "How did you manage to fall out the door?" The grumpy pilot asked through his headset.
    "I was trying to force her to jump with me!" Jones answered for her in a guilty voice.
    "I'm going to get as close to the ground as I possibly can. She may have to jump to save her life." The pilot replied in a bored tone.
    Jones couldn't help thinking that the pilot was rude and condescending. Yes, he'd pushed Gracie into this position but shouldn't the pilot be more sympathetic to their plight?
    "Jones, I'm slipping!" Gracie suddenly screamed in terror.
    "Hold on Gracie, he's taking us closer to the ground! You may have to jump, just remember to pull the cord!" Jones informed her as he desperately grabbed the now frozen fingers of his bride.
    The plane began to jerk and Jones felt his stomach fall to his knees. With a sigh of regret he knew what had to be done. He breathed in deeply and then shoved Gracie out the door of the plane. With her hand latched on to his in frozen rigor, he was jerked out the door along with her.
    "No...!!!!!!!" Gracie screamed as the newly married couple careened toward the earth below...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day Five...

I'm excited that my blog has reached its 100th view but disappointed that I haven't had not even one comment. I sincerely hope that someone gives me some feedback soon.
    Until tomorrow...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day four is upon me now...

    Today I'm going to post the first chapter of one of my books. Please feel free to give me whatever feedback you think it deserves. :)

Chapter One

The screams of her baby awakened her from a dead sleep. She was in the next room before she even realized she'd moved. She reached down and snatched up the now silent baby and hugged her to her chest. She was quiet now, much too quiet.
Fear spread like wildfire through Stacy's body. It was a feeling that only a mother could experience. She was desperately trying to shake the heaviness of sleep from her brain even as a feeling of dread spread through her. By the time she looked into her beloved child's face she was already turning blue! She wasn't breathing!
Panic set in so fast that Stacy's heart beat upon her ribcage like a thousand wild horses galloping across the ground. Feet that felt wooden and glued to the floor were already running out the door and down the steps of her house. "Somebody please help me!" She screamed in such torment that anyone listening would've felt chills run down their spine. "My baby isn't breathing, help me!" She repeated in agony as those same wooden feet ran down the middle of the street in front of her little cottage home. Her long brown hair flew out behind her in a sleep-tangled mess as the air around her moved through it. Her hazel eyes flashed with so many emotions; fear, dread, determination. She glanced down at the little bundle in her arms with love and worry.
Finally, headlights shone on the crop of curly blond hair atop the little baby head, right before the deafening sound of metal-on-metal as the little silver Mustang screeched to a dead stop right in front of Stacy. She ran around to the passenger side of the car and hopped in the front seat. She turned her head toward the driver, a bewildered old man wearing hearing aids, and ordered, "Take me to the hospital, step on it!"
"What's wrong, Miss?" The old man asked in avid curiosity as he looked toward the baby lying in her arms. His speech was slow and it was obvious he was in no hurry.
"Could you just take me to the hospital, please?" Stacy begged in a pleading voice.
"Of course I can!" The old fellow answered as his gaze turned toward the road. He stepped on the gas pedal so hard that the car leapt forward, bawling tires as it flew down the street, leaving a streak of black rubber in its wake.
The emergency flashers came on at a flick of the old man's fingers and Stacy said, "I'm so sorry about this." She began, but stopped when she heard a blessed noise coming from the child in her arms. "I can hear her breaths now!" She gasped in relief, not realizing in her shock that the man had no idea what she was talking about.
"I was a veterinarian before I retired fifteen years ago." The man said inanely.
"That's nice." Stacy said quietly as she busily rubbed her precious daughter's cheeks to bring color back into them. She had begun to whimper quietly now and Stacy said a prayer of thanks to God under her breath.
"You have to speak up, I can't hear you." The man said. He didn't seem the least bit surprised that some crazy woman had run out in front of his car and flagged him down, demanding to go to the hospital.
"I'm sorry I ran out in front of you like that, Sir. My baby stopped breathing." She spoke the words overly loud so he could hear her.
"That's okay. It was a little unexpected, but quite alright. What's wrong with your child?" He asked her curiously.
"I don't know. This has never happened before. I heard her scream out once, and then nothing. I ran to her room and she was limp and turning blue!" The remembrance brought renewed chills to Stacy's skin. Suddenly her chills turned to heat waves as she realized she was in her pajamas. Her feet were bare and they began to throb almost on cue when she realized the fact.
"My goodness child, we need to hurry then." The old man replied as he stepped even harder on the gas. "My name's Paul, by the way."
"I'm Stacy and this is Tiffany." She answered as she nudged the bundle in her arms upward a bit.
"That's a pretty name." He said simply.
"Yes it is. My husband picked it out." She said in a soft, gravely tone. The bitter sadness would've been obvious to anyone listening.
"Where's your husband? Shouldn't he be the one taking you to the hospital?" Paul asked logically.
"My husband was killed in Iraq almost two years ago. I was still pregnant with my daughter when it happened." She chose her words carefully and talked loud so that he could catch what she was saying. She wouldn't tell him what her husband had done...
"I'm sorry, that must have been hard on you, being pregnant and all." The old man apologized.
"It's fine, you couldn't have known." She replied. They had just passed a blue and white hospital sign on the right side of the road and the sight caused Stacy to breathe a huge sigh of relief. "We're almost there!"
"Yes we are. I hope your baby is okay." He retorted as he turned into the entrance to the hospital. His shock of white hair was overly long and he looked like he hadn't slept in ages.
"If I may ask, why are you out so late?"
"I just left the hospital. My Ethel passed away earlier this evening and I couldn't bear to leave her just yet." He answered tiredly.
A feeling that Stacy couldn't describe washed through her body. She hadn't felt it since she was in elementary school and had accidentally wet her pants in the lunch room. She guessed it was humiliation. "I am so sorry." She said loudly, enunciating each word slowly so he was sure to hear. "I didn't know. If I would've realized I wouldn't have..." She trailed off, not being able to finish her apology because the humiliation she felt was so full.
"It's okay young lady. That baby is more important than any grief I may be experiencing. She's still among the living." He retorted as he pulled into the parking garage.
Stacy checked on Tiffy Sue again, just as she had numerous times in the fifteen minutes it had taken them to get to the hospital. She was still whimpering, but sleeping lightly. "I don't know what to say, Sir. My car is in the shop and my cell phone is turned off and I was so scared. The only recourse was for me to make someone stop and take me to the hospital."
"That makes perfect sense to me." Paul said sincerely as he opened his door. He stood up and reached down to the side of his seat. It was only then that she realized that he was missing a leg, the left one.
Stacy couldn't help it. She gasped in horror as she got out of the car on her side and rushed around to try to help him. She clutched the baby tightly to her chest and used one arm to try to steady him.
"It's okay little lady. I've been sporting this injury since I was twenty-two." He told her as he waved away her offered hand of support.
"Were you in the war then?" She asked. She was trying to mentally add up the dates to see which one it might have been.
"No I wasn't. Before I became a veterinarian I worked in the bomb squad." He said with a small rueful grin appearing on his wrinkled face.
"Oh, that sounds interesting." She was really at a loss for words. He seemed like an oddly interesting character.
"It was very interesting, until I got my leg blown off by a bomb, that is." He said deadpan.
They were hurrying toward the entrance of the hospital but she took a second to glance at his face to see if he was serious, or if he was pulling her leg. He looked serious but accepting of his devastating injuries.
"It must have been very traumatic for you." She huffed as they continued toward the door. "I don't think I could handle it if I lost a limb." Tiffany had begun to wail and her mother's instincts kicked back in two-fold. Stacy grunted and sped up.
"You go on ahead. I'll catch up soon enough." Paul told with a strained voice as he maneuvered his crutches like a pro. He'd begun to fall behind when she'd quickened her pace.
The double glass doors opened automatically and Stacy rushed in with her baby's cries gaining strength. She'd never heard such an awful sound. In between cries she was wheezing with short, gasping breaths. She ran up to the glass-enclosed window and tapped loudly. The young woman behind the desk pushed a button and asked, "What can I do for you?" She sounded bored and uncaring and Stacy felt her anger rise at the woman's lack of common decency.
"I need a doctor! Now would be nice!" She demanded. Her heart was racing with the adrenalin that was flooding through her body. She began to shake and suddenly felt dizzy and light-headed. She straightened her spine at this intrusion. She didn't have time to pander to her own issues right now.
"What seems to be the problem?" The lady asked again. She still sounded bored and unaffected by Stacy's agitation.
"!" Stacy enunciated each word carefully and loudly with breaths in between so the woman wouldn't be confused.
"I still need to know why." The receptionist retorted, getting angry herself now. Just then her phone beeped on the desk and she picked it up to read a text.
Stacy thought she could've done serious harm to this callous lady if she'd been able to reach her through the glass enclosure. That's probably why they had it, she guessed.
Just then Stacy saw a doctor enter the small office behind the receptionist. "Sir, could you help me? My baby is having trouble breathing!" She yelled loudly as she pounded the glass furiously with one small hand.
The doctor turned toward her urgent voice, took one look at the wheezing baby who was losing color again and popped a button on the wall beside him, motioning her through the double doors to the left of where she stood. Stacy turned and ran through the doors, right into a solid brick wall.
"Oh! Sorry!" Stacy apologized when she realized it was a stocky-built man with reddish-blond hair. When she looked into his eyes for the first time she was stunned. The greenest eyes she had ever seen were staring back at her with the same stunned expression she must be wearing. Tiffy Sue wheezed loudly again and Stacy side-stepped the man and ran to the waiting doctor behind him.
The doctor grabbed the baby and ran to an examination room, calling a nurse as he went. The nurse came running. She expertly pulled down the oxygen and hooked it to the baby's face while the doctor listened to her heart and lungs at the same time with a black and silver stethoscope placed on her chest. He asked Stacy, "Has this ever happened before?"
Stacy answered back, "No! I don't know what happened. She woke me up with a scream and then she went silent. When I got to her room she was already turning blue!" Stacy said loudly in her agitation.
"Nurse, get someone from respiratory therapy down here right now! She needs a nebulizer treatment stat!" The doctor ordered firmly. "Get blood and O² sats!" He barked urgently.
"Okay, consider it done!" She answered and ran out the door.
When the nurse came back into the room the doctor told her, "Call a pulmonologist and get him down here ASAP." She rushed back out and another nurse came in the door at a run.
 She was busily trying to put a pulse-ox on the baby but couldn't get a reading. She finally managed a count on the foot. "Reading is seventy-four Dr. Dooley." She informed him. She took Tiffany's blood pressure and pulse and wrote it down on a clipboard. "Do you need anything else? I have to go back down to four for a spinal."
"Macy, call x-ray and let's get some film on her chest." The doctor said when the first nurse came back into the room, ignoring the other woman's question. He would dress-her-down later for her lack of professionalism in an emergency. You couldn't leave a patient when they were in respiratory distress! "Julie, if you can't get an IV going call someone down from NICU to find a good vein. We'll also need a blood draw."
 "I didn't get your name, sorry." The doctor apologized as he turned his gray-eyed gaze toward Stacy. He took in a breath when he got his first look at the young mother.
"I'm Stacy Masterson and my baby is Tiffany Suzanne but I call her Tiffy Sue for short." Stacy replied. She was still feeling a little weird and the doctor could tell. She'd been standing silently by with goose bumps all over her body, trying to make sense of all that was going on around her and the baby.
"Do you need something to calm you down, ma'am?" He asked in concern.
"No, I'll be alright. I'm just a little upset right now." She answered back. Her face was pale and her heartbeat was fluttering weirdly in her chest, not to mention her whole body was trembling with fear and anxiety, but she didn't want to tell him any of that, she wanted him to concentrate on the baby.
After a couple of minutes Tiffy Sue began to breathe easier, although she was still wheezing. The doctor felt it was time to ask some questions. "Has the baby been acting any differently lately?"
"Not that I'm aware of. She did sleep a lot today, now that I think of it."
"Is that unusual for her?" He returned.
"Yes, it's a little odd. She usually only takes one nap a day but today she took three." Stacy replied as she thought back and remembered each time. Regret filled her. "I should've realized something wasn't right."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Mrs. Masterson. Babies are always changing and sometimes it's hard to catch the little things. The important thing is that you got her to the hospital as soon as you could. It was crucial that she get oxygen immediately." Doctor Dooley told her.
"What's going to happen now?" Stacy asked as she picked the baby up and squeezed her to her chest protectively. The oxygen mask was still over her tiny face but she was sleeping more peacefully now and Stacy needed to feel her warmth.
"We'll admit her to the hospital for at least a couple of days to observe her and make sure she has significant improvement. Right now we've got a pulmonologist on the way and we're also going to do some chest x-rays after she gets a Neb treatment." He said. "I'll have to wait until after the pulmonologist comes in and I get back the results from her blood test and x-rays before I'll know more." He told her.
"Is it too forward of me to ask what kind of doctor you are?" Stacy asked. "I mean, are you just a general practitioner?"
"I'm a pediatrician. I've been practicing for over twenty years." He smiled easily at her discomfited question. He pegged her as a first-time mother. They were always the most upset by late-night emergency room visits.
"That makes me feel much better." She retorted.
Just then a couple of respiratory therapists came to give Tiffy Sue a breathing treatment. Before they had even left the room the x-ray technicians came in to take Tiffany down to get her x-rays. Stacy refused to let her go alone. She would have to accompany them. There was no way she was going to lose sight of her daughter in this huge hospital. "I'll go with her."
"It's perfectly okay for you to go down, ma'am, but when we do the actual x-ray you'll have to step out of the room." He informed her firmly.
"That'll be fine but she isn't leaving this room without me." She returned just as firmly.
The other technician just laughed. He was also used to late-night visits from sick children with distraught mothers.
They all left and headed down to radiology. Stacy was nervous, but hopeful that the x-rays would come back in a positive light.
When she returned from downstairs Tiffy Sue was sleeping in the hospital crib. There was a questionnaire lying on the metal table beside the bed. She picked it up and began to read what it said. It had all kinds of prying questions on it like; do you ever give your baby alcohol, etc. She harrumphed and began to fill it out.
She was just waiting on the results from the blood test and the x-rays now. She prayed silently to God to heal her baby and not to let her have some kind of deadly disease that would cause her to lose the only part of her little family she had left.
Since Tiffy Sue was still sleeping Stacy laid her head back up against the wall and dozed-off. A soft shuffling noise brought her to a straight-up position. Her hazel eyes popped open and she was face to chest with the same man from earlier that she'd plowed into on her way through the ER door.
She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry that I ran into you a little bit ago." She apologized.
"Its fine, I know the circumstances were the cause." He accepted. "Is your baby going to be okay?" He asked conversationally.
"I hope so. I think she may have had an asthma attack. I'm not sure why she would just start having them now though." She told the stranger. It was very odd that she was even speaking to him because it wasn't her habit to talk to people she didn't know, but his voice sounded so familiar and safe to her...
"That's too bad. Where do you live?"
"I live up on 23rd and Shields." She replied. This was getting even scarier because she'd just pretty much told the guy her address.
He stuck out his hand and said, "I'm Isaiah Cobb."
Stacy took his offered hand and shook it firmly. It was warm and dry and she didn't feel the least bit put-off by his touch like she did with most men. "I'm Stacy Masterson, pleased to meet you."
"I'm pleased to meet you, too. I'm from down River's Bend way." He told her.
Stacy's eyes widened slightly. Her mother lived in River's Bend! She'd been trying to get her to move there ever since Chris was killed.  She was beginning to wonder why this man was even in her room, or why the hospital had allowed it. She knew there was a security guard on duty. She'd seen him when she'd come back from downstairs.
"I guess you're probably wondering why some strange man just walked into your room, aren't you?" He asked with a rueful grin plastered on his slightly freckled face.
He had a short, trimmed mustache and a smile that could outdo the sunshine. Stacy thought to herself before pulling her mind back in check. "I actually am." She replied with a look of confusion on her heart-shaped face.
"I also happen to be the pastor at High Point Independent Baptist Church in River's Bend." He finished with an unfathomable look.
Stacy thought about that for a second before saying simply, "Oh, that's awesome."
He laughed a little self-consciously and asked, "Are you sure about that because you sound a little funny.
"I'm pretty sure. I don't think I've ever actually met a real pastor before. I mean, there's obviously one at my church but so many people go there that it's impossible for the pastor to meet them all.
He chuckled in amusement. "We have about a hundred people in our congregation."
"It would be so awesome to be part of a congregation like that. One could actually get to know everybody else. You could probably even ask the pastor questions and realistically expect an answer!" She returned wistfully.
"Yeah, If there's a downfall to a huge congregation it would be that there's never any real closeness. I prefer my small gathering. I know every single person and I interact with them all." He told her.
"That must be nice, I'm happy for you." She said awkwardly. She'd come off sounding rude and unappreciative.
"What denomination are you?" He persisted.
"We're non-denominational. I don't agree with the idea of splitting up into so many different denominations, I think it's divisive." She told him bluntly.
"I guess it can be. We're an independent Baptist Church because we don't answer to any corporate headquarters. We are our own Church and we only answer to each other." He told her.
"That sounds more like it should be." She agreed.
"I guess I should have said that we only answer to God first, and then each other." He said with a self-deprecating laugh.
Stacy laughed easily. She hadn't felt this at ease with anyone since Christopher had been killed in the line of duty in Iraq. Suddenly a sliver of guilt ran through her. He hadn't even been gone quite two years. No matter that he'd almost ruined her life...
Isaiah immediately noticed the change that came over the young lady. He felt awkward now and said, "Well, I have to be on my way. I was here ministering to Widow Barnes. She just had a hip replacement and she needed to see me. It was nice to meet you. I'll pray for your daughter."
"Thank you, it was nice to meet you, too." She said to the already retreating back of Pastor Isaiah Cobb.
Stacy sighed with a sense of loss she didn't understand. The stranger had filled her room and dispelled the loneliness that had plagued her ever since Chris died. Tears of self-pity filled her eyes and she angrily wiped them away. Her daughter was sick and here she was feeling sorry for herself!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day Three and going strong...

    Annette ran for her life, the bear's breath hot on her bare legs. The ranger station was visible up ahead and a new burst of adrenalin enabled her to increase her speed and head for the green-painted door. It suddenly opened and she could see the welcoming shadow of Mason as he pushed it as wide as it would go. The terrifying roar of the mama bear behind her caused her to scream, "Help me, help me Mason!"
    Mason ran out the door and rushed toward the woman he loved just as the bear clamped down on her leg. She screamed in agony, "Ahhhhh...ahhhhhhhhrgggg!"
    "Annette, are you okay baby? Run honey, run!" He screamed as he frantically tried to free her imprisoned leg.
    The bear took this opportunity to bat at her head with a massive bear-clawed paw and Annette screamed in agony again. "Save me, Mason!" She implored, her huge green eyes full of pleading.
    Just then Johnson, one of the other rangers, walked around the tree and ordered, "Jezebel, down!"
    The huge bear stopped in mid-motion, turned and looked at the commanding voice behind her. She stood stock-still for a moment and then dropped back down to all fours. She turned her huge black head and looked at Annette one more time before ambling unhurriedly away into the woods.
    "What did you do Johnson?" Annette screeched at him in anger as she rubbed her aching head.
    "Ah, Annette, I was just teasing, man." He said in a careless tone.
    "I could've been killed!"
    "You weren't in any real danger, I came to your rescue when I saw that she was getting out-of-hand."

    Nah, just kidding, this isn't really part of my book. :) I hope you enjoyed it and stay-tuned tomorrow for the real meat of the matter...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day Two

Here I am at day two and I have absolutely nothing cute or memorable to say, maybe it's just too early? Anyway, I am an aspiring author and I have several completed manuscripts. I'll eventually post a page or two from each one and I hope to get some feedback on whether they grab your attention or bore you to tears. :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Beginning...

Today is my first official post as a blogger, though I don't really understand what that is. {Laughs uncomfortably} Follow my adventure into the world of social media!!